
The unbearable complex of being

Campaign trail is a baffling and exuberant theater where hatred, betrayal, conspiracy, and lies are spawned and erupted like a poisoned stomach that never slips a chance of farting. But without any sheepish pretense, I find the bodily waste just the cutest thing in the world.

Politics appeals to the dark and secretive facets of lives that are intolerably exhausting and intricately complex. For civilians, politics is as dirty and disgusting, yet at the same time, as revetting as porn. People simply don't possess the ability to vote. But they feel compelled to. So they vote their guts, their biology, their primal instincts. In that sense, politics is porn, or more appropriately put, a reality porn show. It’s like watching a hot couple having sex, through a curtained window, you sneak up on them across the street with your tainted telescope. Morally, you condemn yourself for doing so. But when somebody asks how it feels, you probably will wear on a vulgar grimace and admit with a dramatical modesty: 'it tastes just fine.' Something tastes that fine usually isn’t legal. But who cares. Everybody deserves some guilty pleasure after having lived a rugged junk life on this rotted earth.

Politics is a game of choosing sides. As a free thinker, the rule of choosing sides couldn't be any simpler-----to stand with the one whose farting skill makes their gas more bearable than the other. No issues are black and white. They all have overlapping zone where the color is a bewildering grey. Are you a pro-lifer or are you a pro-choicer? Are you a gun owner or are you a gun hater? There’s no such thing as a clear choice. But there is a such thing called cult, a personality cult. A desire to follow, a zeal to worship and an urge to embrace as early as thousands years ago, have carved a legitimate cognitive recognition of the intelligence level boasted by a human being. We are born to idol, yet easy to be impressed.

That said, it leads to only one thing; nobody eludes the fate of voting their reproductive systems. Nobody.
