
The Hippocrisy of Atheism

The great Karl Marx and his generations of materialists cherish the idea of atheism. And some, including the famous, righteously believe, as Carl Sagan stated loud and clear, "It's far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring it is."

Very tempting, isn't it? How courageous you are to be an atheist that you stand alone and face off the reality in confidence and wisdom. And what those who seeks God are really seeking is mere reassurance and satisfaction. It's coward, delusional, irrational and unreasonable.

Next February would mark the 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin, and the 150th anniversary of the publication of his seminal work, “The Origin of Species.” This would be a day of celebration for the victory of Darwinism and Atheism, a day of reality that casts out the evils generic to religions throughout human history. Exhilarating!!

But I don't know what would Darwin himself say if he knows that Darwinism becomes a celebration and quintessential prove that God doesn't exist, a declaration of death penalty to religious beliefs. Because Darwin himself is at best an Agnostic.

At one time he said, "Agnostic would be the most correct description of the state of my mind."

At another time in his last years, he wrote that he was greatly "challenged by the extreme difficulty, or rather the impossibility, of discovering this immense and wonderful universe, including man with his capacity for looking far backwards and far into futurity, as the result of blind chance or necessity. When thus reflecting I feel compelled to look to a First Cause having an intelligent mind in some degree analogous to that of man; and I deserve to be called a theist."

Make no mistake, I personally believe in evolution and natural selection, but no matter how revolutionary this theory is, it's far from perfection. And I really have no idea how atheists disprove Bible with evolution theory, even if this theory can be perfected.

I also personally believe in the origin of the universe, you know, the "big bang" theory where everything begins. Well, only maybe not everything, but something before the "big bang"?

Even Albert Einstein is a Deist. An unquenchable desire to search for the truth? Or in some other people's words, the reality? I encourage everyone who calls themselves Atheists to be so. Because isn't the question that "Do God really exist?" worth you reflect on? Actually, my own opinion is that this is one of the most important and fascinating questions you have to ask and go after the answer for in your life.

Please, call yourself an Atheist after going into libraries, citing facts, digging into scriptures, learning how other Atheist disprove the ever existence of God. Don't tell me you are an Atheist before doing all these because this is so not intellectual and so not fair to those who took great efforts to seek the truth and finally become Theists.

Now to many of the Atheists, I have to say, you are at best Agnostics.
